Heartbreaking Details Emerge in Toxicology Report of Mom Who KILLED Her Four Kids Before Shooting Herself Dead

Heartbreaking new details have emerged in the toxicology report of a mother who killed her four kids before turning on herself.


The tragic story has left people stunned in the Wyoming community as they mourn the loss of the most beautiful family.

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The mother first heartlessly shot her four daughters, one at a time, and then chose to shoot herself right after that.

The incident arose in the residence of the family and it shocked neighbors to the core. Many felt she was disturbed mentally and that could be the main reason for her strange behavior.

Source: Facebook

Two of the kids were upstairs in the crib and two were present downstairs inside a shared bedroom. Despite the dispatcher’s efforts to keep her on the line, she ended the call and chose to harm herself and her loved ones.

Source: Facebook

While first responders did manage to arrive promptly to try and rescue her, it was a little too late. The kids were found dead inside the bed. Meanwhile, another one was shot in the head and had to undergo emergency brain surgery but again died. The father of the kids was on a business trip during that time.

Her toxicology reports confirmed the presence of ketamine and clonazepam in her blood at the time of the tragedy which explained her behavior.

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