Trump Takes Action To Ban Transgender Women From Women’s Sports

Donald Trump has decided to take action to ban transgender women from competing in women’s sports.


The president was seen rolling out an executive order on the matter in terms of delivering a political issue central to the 2024 campaign.

Source: BBC

This means banning transgender women from competing as it generates unfair competition.

Trump signed the executive order titled ‘Keeping Men out of Women’s Sports’ during the afternoon signing ceremony in the East Room. This is where he was surrounded by dozens of women and some very young girls wearing athletic uniforms.

Source: CNN

Through this latest executive order, the war on women’s sports is over. The order is said to be two-pronged and it leans on issues such as compliance with Title IX that stop discrimination on the basis of gender in education programs or activities that get funding from the federal government.


This includes no funding from federal engagement with the private sector. The news sparked widespread celebrations for many female athletes in the country who have been calling for the ban for years.

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